First select a laptop or Tower which can run Linux Mint and determin if it has 32 bit or 64 bit architecture.

next down load the image file required for you computer from this site

Linux Mint Download

next burn the image to a DVD or use a program to make a live Bootable USB stick.

next insert the disk or stick into the soon to be server..

Beware that following the next section will destroy all data and the operating system on your computer.

Reboot the computer entering the BIOS by following the instructions during the boot process to set the computer to boot from the USB or DVD stick first if needed.

once the disk/usb has finished booting you should be in the Mint desktop enviroment.

now double click or right click on the install icon on the desktop.

follow the instructions, taking the option to use entire disk, dont take the option to encript the disk.

pick a single name for the user such as john, (remember in the life time of the server you will type this thousands of times) the same applies to the password)

Again name the server/computer something easy to type.

write down the username password and computer name.

when the install is complete, click on reboot and remove the install medium when asked to do so.

Remote Access

when the computer has finished rebooting, open a terminal from the task bar and type the folowing

sudo apt-get install ssh

enter your password when asked.

after the install is complete close the terminal.

in windows install putty

in Linux or Mac type

sudo ssh “your username” @ “name of computer” [enter]

enter password to execute

enter password of the server you just installed.

you should now have control of the server via terminal.


if you can’t acesss this then try substituting the ip address of the server in place of the name after the @ symbol. This can be obtained from your router.

now at the terminal type sudo apt-get install x11vnc

enter password and wait for install to complete

sudo now type x11vnc

enter password

start the VNC client with the server address username@computername

with the computer now connected add x11vnc to the start up applications by typing start up in the search box of the menu

reboot the computer and you should be able to connect straight away via inc.

now reconnect the remote terminal via ssh

now install from the terminal in turn using sudo apt-get install the following programs



PHP 7.0

php7.0 php zip




How to move a WP Site.

  1. copy the entire contents of the word press folder to the new site with the same file structure
  2. Use phpmyadmin to export the mysql database
  3. Change the router settings to point at the new server.
  4. Use phpmyadmin to create and then import the same named mysqldatabase
  5. vist site annd all should be well.
  6. if not try changing permissions on the wp folder.